
Book Reviews for HeartPath Practitioner

This book is an excellent read for a therapist looking to further their practice and their understanding of wholistic healing. I believe this book would be very helpful and informative to Christian Counselors in particular as it uses Christian principles and scriptures while at the same time it advocates solid evidence based research and very professional clincial expertise. I found the book to be very balanced! This book is highly technical and sophisticated in its presentation yet tender and sensitive. The chapter on the neuro-physiology of the heart was excellent and not often found in literature for counselors. Another contribution to the field is the continued emphasis on the therapist’s use of compassion as a clinical measure of effectiveness. The book integrated Christian ideas, guided imagery, traditional narrative therapy, solid clincial competence, and spirituality in a wholistic package. I have had the privilege of taking a course by Dr. Cindy McFeature. I can tell you that she is an elegant demonstration of the book.– M.B. MSW

This book would be of great interest to any therapist working with the healing process. In HeartPath Practitioner the McFeatures’ explain that healing comes from love, and that love originates with God. When this knowledge is used in the therapeutic process it can be life changing. A therapist can help someone understand their life story as a spiritual path and true transformation and healing can take place. Moving forward then becomes easier and more productive. Working with another person’s spiritual calling is truly rewarding. If you are interested in, or already use methods like this, their book is a great benefit.– Kay Ogle, L.C.S.W.

Book Review: Heart Path Practitioner: A Practitioner’s Guide

Review by Sam Menahem Ph.D.

As I was reviewing some notes for this review, there was a knock on my office door. It was my four o’clock patient — an hour early by “mistake.” I invited her in early and she went deeper into her very troubled story. She had been molested by her brother as a child. Her father had beaten her. Her mother was a drug addict. She was haunted by the family’s negative predictions for her, which had come true! The details rolled out. She had become an alcoholic as they said. She had a daughter with a rare disease they had mentioned, etc. etc. I listened compassionately, praying for her healing. She then reported an easing of her troubling memories since our last session. The more she told me her unique story, the better she felt. Despite 29 years of sobriety and membership in Alcoholics Anonymous, she had to tell her story and hear it reflected back to her in order to heal. Her early appearance was synchronicity at its finest.

This healing is exactly what is described in the beautiful book by Christian psychotherapists Cinthia and Bill McFeature. They begin with a description of the physical heart — a powerful pump with memory. However, as they quickly point out, the heart is much more than just a pump. It is the center of each human being. It is the key to healing. In order for healing to be effective and complete, there must be healing on all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. The heart is the center for all three levels. Thus they run the gamut of healing advice. In early chapters they make many recommendations for physical healing; from diet and exercise to specific foods that are good for the heart. However, there is more reason to follow these recommendations than just “living a few more years.” The point of living longer is to develop emotional and most importantly spiritual healing. The heart is the center for all three types of healing.

The balance of the book explains and gives examples of their technique for healing the heart on all levels. They call it the “Life narrative into the heart of the divine.” In other words, they explain how the practitioner can listen to each unique life story with an open heart, giving feedback along the way. The patient, feeling understood, is then healed emotionally. The realizing of toxic shame, guilt, anger and fear connected to their story opens the way to true healing which is spiritual and of God.