Who Begat Who?

Infant Joy

I have no name

I am but two days old—

What shall I call thee?

I happy am

Joy is my name, —

Sweet joy befall thee:

Thou dost smile,

I sing the while

Sweet joy befall thee.

-William Blake

I believe I understand “begat’s” in the Bible now. We can say, “If it were not for my mom and dad, I would not be here. Then we think, if it were not for their mom and dad, my parents would not have been here and so on…. through all the begat’s.”  We have an eternal spirit, so I like to think about that “begat” as well. 😊

Our Divine Source has a reason for everything and rhythm to everything created on Earth and in the Universe. With this understanding of “reason” and “rhythm,” we consider that the first organ formed in utero for the fetus inside the womb is the heart. The heart is formed between eight and twelve weeks, and the fetus is about two inches long. The heartbeat is the beginning of the firing of neurons in the brain, which then takes over to monitor the heartbeat. The heart is equipped with an electromagnetic field that extends beyond the body up to five feet. The inner sanctuary of the heart is the seat of the spirit that connects us to the spirit of the Divine Source and Higher Self or Holy Spirit. You may call this a type of cosmic intelligent vibration which is the link between all matter and Spirit. Our soul’s journey experiences so many beings all having the spark of love in the spirit of their inner heart.

This heart-mind connection has always been present; however, along the way, we can be distracted by external chatter, dissonance frequencies which are also always present in this physical reality. Dr. Dwayne Dyer said that all we have to do is tune into the right frequency on the radio because the music is always playing. When you spend time in silence, and you breathe into your heart center, you can hear the music.  Spend time “just being” not always doing. It is not an easy thing to do when we are used to our busy daily chores and life.

 HeartPath is best defined as choosing to follow a path that seeks a heart of compassion.

This includes being fully present to the heart of Divine Source found within the sacred space of the heart a bliss connection vibrating in a higher God consciousness. HeartPath is aligned with mindfulness into heartfulness and awareness of the synchronicities, which lead and guide you for your “highest good.” Trust, and you will begin to see life through a spiritual prism of compassion. Therefore, your

HeartPath is guided by the love and spiritual light within your being.

Einstein said,

“Human beings have a kind of optical illusion.  We think ourselves separate rather than part of the whole.”

Therefore, you can begin to understand the need to connect to our inner heart, which connects to the hearts of others. We are all part of the silent promise embodied in the rhythm of life, the silence between every heartbeat.  


Cinthia McFeature, Ph.D.

Meaning Maker: Secrets to the Heart-Mind Connection

Release Date:  July 2, 2019