What is the essence of something?

Did you go through a day and not look for the essence of something?  Did the day go by without taking time to bask in the presence of gratitude? Our overall health needs to be grounded in mindfulness in our daily life. Our past lived experiences have already given us meaning from the intrinsic nature inside all synchronistic events. 

The telling of the story creates the narrative, which, when shared, the reader will attach to the meaning the story has for their life. The essence of the narrative then becomes the synchronicity; therefore, consider your words wisely. The essence of anything is found in silence like a pearl of invaluable worth of utmost importance moving forward in wisdom

Life In Auto-Pilot

As we go on about our daily chores of life, we are operating in the busy beta mind that runs the automatic pilot program – like the movie “Groundhog Day.”  However, you don’t remain in silence once the essence is connected to your reality; your perception changes. It may be a subtle shift or a drastic change of perception based on new awareness.

If you trust divine, unconditional love enough to open your heart, you understand that essence is a gift of being and then your frequency changes. The once fearful thought becomes a feeling of compassion, and you become compassion; as you see the nature of life is inside the inner heart holding the universe together. Dr. Wayne Dyer (1998) said, “The music is always playing; all you have to do is tune in to the frequency.” 

“The music is always playing; all you have to do is tune in to the frequency.” 

-Dr. Wayne Dyer (1998)

Breaking the Cycle

The business of day to day life can keep us cycling in subconscious material of old programs and blinded by societal and cultural norms. Our lived experience has the purpose of unfolding a “HeartPath.” When we share our stories and listen to other’s stories with compassion, we are tuned into the Agape frequency or The Heartfulness Zone. According to Dr. Wayne Dyer (1998) in order to commune with the divine, you must be tuned into that frequency.

Learn more about being a Meaning Maker by purchasing my latest book on Amazon: Meaning Maker – Secrets to the Heart-Mind Connection by Cinthia McFeature, Ph.D.