Happy New Year 2020! 

Dear Meaning Makers:

We know that 2020 will be the year to master our practice of balancing the four areas that make us “whole as compassionate human beings.”  We have a physical body, we have a mind with thoughts, we have a heart with emotions, and we have our spirit of light and love.

Consider a New Year’s resolution to focus on “being” in your soul, and the doing will come from your spirit manifesting agape love. 

Logion 25

“Yeshua said: 

Love your brother and sister as your soul; 

Protect them as you do the pupils of your eyes.”

The Gospel of Thomas

Love and Light

When we say love and light, agape and gnosis. Gnosis is a Greek word meaning knowledge, and knowledge comes when there is “light” on the subject matter so you cannot separate love and light. The Greek word “agape” means the love of God who is love into manifestation.

Jean-Yves Leloup (1986) in his commentary shares:

“For those who love, everything exists more vividly; the Other is seen in the light, and thus our fellow human beings can be revealed as precious, like the pupil of our own eye, a mirror that allows us to see and know ourselves. Yet it is also true that we cannot reach the ultimate depth of the “pupil” of our being except through the gift of ourselves. This openness is like a black hole into which our harmony with the Light is immersed and reborn.”

The Greek word “agape” 

Remember that the feeling the hear creates based on the connection to our intention creates an expansive electromagnetic field that speaks to the Universe. When we pray and ask from the heart, our Spirit speaks the language of our Divine Source. “Ask and you shall receive” is a powerful statement that speaks to our faith in God. 

New Year’s Resolution

My New Year’s resolution will change from my previous resolutions, such as; losing weight or reading more books. My resolution for this coming 2020 is to practice balance with mindfulness and trusting in the journey. My resolution includes that of “being” present more and doing less with more. 

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2020 and excited to see more light shining and revealing things that have been hidden in the darkness. As the light shines the truth shall rise and we will all still have free will, so I am praying that we all chose to walk in love with hearts of compassion and not blindly follow hate because our spirits are light in love.  

Cinthia McFeature, Ph.D. 


Leloup, Jean-Yves. The gospel of Thomas: the gnostic wisdom of Jesus, Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International, 1986.